De ce sa ne alegeti pe noi?
“Dacă un copil este încurajat, el învață sã aiba încredere în propriile sale forțe” – Maria Montessori

Despre Noi
„Copilul este atat o speranta, cat si o promisiune pentru omenire.” – Maria Montessori
Prin crearea unui mediu sigur și încurajator, le asigurăm copiiilor resursele necesare pentru a-și descoperi potențialul și a influența pozitiv lumea în care vor crește.
Îi susținem în explorarea lor și le oferim instrumente potrivite pentru a modela viitorul societății.

Latest Program
We Provide Awesome Program To Build Bright Future
Oferta educationala
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
- 4-6 Years
- $259.95
- 5 Class
- 6 Months
Proiecte si programe
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
- 4-9 Years
- $100
- 2 Class
- 6 Months

Student Enroll
Total Classes
Expert Teacher
Years Experience

Why Choose Us
25 Years Of Experience In Education! Provide Awesome Features
With a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, imaginative play and physical activities, our staff will engage with your children.

Arts & Drawing

Special Education

Digital Laboratory

Special Education

Parents Feedback
What Parents Say About Our Kinco Kindergarten

Bradley Y. Grimes
Senior Manager
“ On the other hand denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment”

Roderick M. Neal
Arts & Drawing
“ We feel very excited and honored that our son was accepted to be a part of this great school. It feels that we have made the right decision as the school ”

Bradley Y. Grimes
Senior Manager
“ On the other hand denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment”

Roderick M. Neal
Arts & Drawing
“ We feel very excited and honored that our son was accepted to be a part of this great school. It feels that we have made the right decision as the school ”

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